Tuesday, November 11, 2008


So this is our final video!!! Ya!!! It's pretty awesome.
Music mixed by Jason Torres

Video Preview (no audio)

Wednesday, November 5, 2008

Shooting day

It's the 1st shooting day for Team Double Dos' stop animation.

We aimed to finish the principle animation today.

Date/Time: Nov 5th 2008 @ 4pm
Location: CMA 5.131
Team members: Brantley, Jason, Joy, Jimmy

Alex had to work and missed this super fun session with the rest of the team.

Laptop/Tech guy: Jason
Camera: Joy
Animators: Brantley, Jimmy

We completed taking frame-by-frame pictures around 645pm.
The result is over 1,000 pictures composed into a 2 minutes and 11 second stop animation video clip.

Editor: Joy
Music/Score mixer: Jason

Jimmy's Suggestions for Songs to be used in the video

Here are a couple links for songs I was thinking of. If we want to use
any of these, I have high quality mp3s of each. I think the cover of
Exit Music will work nice.

http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=X_ee4bu2LCg (skip a minute in)

- Jimmy

Friday, October 31, 2008

Materials Preview

We collected the materials today for the shooting.

These are the Characters and Props:


Friday, October 24, 2008

Tentative Schedule (updated)

10/31 Friday: Collect materials and props.

11/02 Sunday: Finished preparation.

11/03, 11/04, or 11/05: Shoot Stop Animation at RTF Studio.

11/07 Friday: Complete editing. Begin Audio/Sound effects.

11/11 Tuesday: Test screening. Final mixing.

11/13 Thursday: Project Due! We're done!!

10/24 Meeting Recap

Hi guys,

So we've decided on several things today:

I. We are going to use Brantley's characters for the animation. He is the new art director!

II. Measurements and Props we need for the shoot:

1. Background = 7" x 10"
White cardboard paper as base.
Objects on the cardboard paper should be made/cut from color paper/construction paper... etc. Using thick double sided tape or foam or anything else that you can think of to stack the objects to create 2-D effect on the cardboard.

2. Characters = 3" x 4"

Backgrounds: Field/Park, Apple trees, A Bank, Trashy studio right next to a dumpster in a very dark corner, Fancy/High end studio, Giant Mansion and its garden.

Props for the characters:
Gun, Paint brushes, Fruit basket,... anything else?

III. Assignment due next meeting 10/31 (Fri) Halloween:

Alex: Fields, Apple trees, and Apples.

Brantley: Characters - Artist, Barbie girl and Good girl.

Jason: Trashy studio.

Jimmy: Fancy Studio.

Joy: Bank and Mansion.

We will collect all the finished material on Friday and work on small props during the meeting and perhaps during the weekend.